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etc 2023.09.22fr 22:00 @ Datafruits, Seoul; Sphere Radio, Leipzig
(rebroadcast 2023.09.24su 10:00 @ Wax-n' Cats, Chicago; Blast Radio, NYC; Datafruits, Seoul)

Neil Tolliday...
Crack Hen - Eugraphis
Flesho - Junk
Neil Tolliday - Piano3
Neil Tolliday - Belly
Neil Tolliday - Koskaan Heralta
Neil Tolliday - Melg
Neil Tolliday - Sola pt.5
Flesho - Swipperb
Crack Hen - Talem
Neil Tolliday - Blegh
Flesho - snug 1
Neil Tolliday - 1411227
Neil Tolliday - Wednesday
Neil Tolliday - Sola pt.3

Slowerson... (1h 30m)
no setlist

Andrew Peckler : Silhouette Couple (On The Beach) : Cover Versions : Senufo Editions
Neil Tolliday : Science : Of Sweat : Neil Tolliday
Eleventeen Eston : A Squall, 1988 : At The Water : Growing Bin
Terekke : NuWav2 : Improvisational Loops : Music From Memory
Bruce Brubaker : 2.1 : Music For Airports : InFine
Pub : Paralysis : Draft.04 : Talent Hoover
Neil Tolliday : Pocket : Of Sweat : Neil Tolliday
Metamatics : Here To Go (Remix of Antenne) : From Death To Passwords Where You're A Paper Airplane : Hydrogen Dukebox